Monday, January 7, 2013

Rachel Ray who?

There really must be a first time for everything.  Even me and cooking.  

On Sunday, Hubs & I decided to expand our culinary experiences, because we basically just rotate the same 3 or 4 dishes every night for dinner.  Me, being the culinary chef mediocre popcorn-maker that I am, I wasn't exactly excited about the prospect of trying something out of my comfort zone.  (My comfort zone = popcorn, tacos, spaghetti & steamed veggies.)  However, since I am a newlywed (I guess that's the reason) I decided to jump in with both feet and try making one of the many dishes that I have pinned on Pinterest.

So, after a heinous shopping trip on Sunday afternoon (what were we thinking?!) to gather ingredients, I spent the rest of the day relaxing.  I mean, I had to  gear up for my big cooking debut the next night (tonight).  

Y'all.  I put on an apron.  I chopped cilantro.  I followed directions to a recipe that required more than two steps.  Hello, my name is Rachel Ray...and my cooking days are over.   Seriously.  I'm exhausted.  
But I am extremely proud of myself, because...
1.  I followed through with it. 
2.  Mine looked like the pictures, every step of the way!
3.  It turned out FREAKING AWESOME.  Seriously delicious.  (Hubs & I both were both a little worried.)

Here's the recipe I made tonight that everyone should try!  If I can do it then so can your toddler you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, but you must celebrate your accomplishment and keep up the good quitting! So proud of you for cooking and hope you'll continue to do so. The recipe sounds yummy! Bun
