But anywho... I seriously had NEVER heard of this before!! I just thought that it was some secret sorority thing that I wasn't allowed to know about. So begrudgingly, I finally accepted my fate that I would never have a "sock bun". UNTIL...that fateful day on Pinterest (I mean, how did we ever live without this wonderful site?!)! I watched a tutorial video and immediately was appalled that NO ONE had ever told me about this! Thanks a lot, "friends"!
The "sock bun" is the perfect solution to dirty hair or running late. And it works with any outfit...casual, dressy or sick & dying (me the past few days). No matter how dirty my hair is or how ugly I feel (we all have those days!), I immediately feel like I actually have my life together when I roll my hair into one of Hubs' old socks. The magic of the "sock bun"!
I can't find the video I watched, but here is a really good play-by-play done with pictures.
Even though I'm sure no one actually needs this, since I am literally the last person on earth to discover it.

You're not the last person to know about the "sock bun".....I am!!! New to me. But, since I don't have long hair, it's really irrelevant!!! But sounds like a great solution to "no time to wash" dirty hair. Been there in my college days when my hair was long and gorgeous!!! Hope it comes in handy for you. And hope you're feeling better soon. B needs you at your best on Thursday!! Come see us soon.