On Sunday, Hubs & I decided to expand our culinary experiences, because we basically just rotate the same 3 or 4 dishes every night for dinner. Me, being the
So, after a heinous shopping trip on Sunday afternoon (what were we thinking?!) to gather ingredients, I spent the rest of the day relaxing. I mean, I had to gear up for my big cooking debut the next night (tonight).
Y'all. I put on an apron. I chopped cilantro. I followed directions to a recipe that required more than two steps. Hello, my name is Rachel Ray...and my cooking days are over. Seriously. I'm exhausted.
But I am extremely proud of myself, because...
1. I followed through with it.
2. Mine looked like the pictures, every step of the way!
3. It turned out FREAKING AWESOME. Seriously delicious. (Hubs & I both were both a little worried.)
Here's the recipe I made tonight that everyone should try! If I can do it then so can
Oh, but you must celebrate your accomplishment and keep up the good work....no quitting! So proud of you for cooking and hope you'll continue to do so. The recipe sounds yummy! Bun