All of these ideas I found on Pinterest...duh. Here is the adorable website where I got all the printables from:
ALL of these crafts are SUPER easy and quick...great for short attention spans!
I made these the night before for all of the kids to take home as a little goody bag. I couldn't help myself...too cute!
The first activity of the playdate: Easter Bunny Food. The kids loved this and you probably don't even have to go the store for the supplies. It's along the same line as the Reindeer food that we had as kids (straw & glitter to sprinkle on your lawn Christmas Eve, so the reindeers have a snack just like Santa). So the idea here is the same...sprinkle on your lawn the night before Easter so the Easter Bunny will come and leave you treats.
Ingredients/Supplies that we used: Clear treat bags, ribbon, bowls, spoons, uncooked oatmeal, random variety of sprinkles and candy pearls. (Printable tags from Bloom Designs.)
Of course, we also had an Easter egg hunt outside after a quick snack. In order to have the least amount of drama and make it fair, each child hunted for eggs of the same color. We hid 9 yellow, 9 pink, and 9 green eggs and assigned each child a color. Everyone had the same amount of eggs and the same treats at the end. It was perfect!
Good alternative treats to put inside of eggs for an Easter hunt: bubbles, stamps, stickers, tiny toys. Most kids will be so excited to find something new and different in each one that they won't care about not having candy.
The play date was a huge success and a ton of fun for the kids...and me!